1 | codePrintHTML | string | 102: <br>
103: <!--- Append to file ---><br>
<b>104: <cffile action="append" file="#LOCAL.fileName#" output="#LOCAL.line#" addNewLine="Yes" fixNewLine="No"></b><br>
105: </cffunction><br>
106: </cfcomponent><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 102:
103: <!--- Append to file --->
104: <cffile action="append" file="#LOCAL.fileName#" output="#LOCAL.line#" addNewLine="Yes" fixNewLine="No">
105: </cffunction>
106: </cfcomponent>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | logger_cfc$cf.udfCall(/OB085/Logger.cfc:104) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/objects/v085/Logger.cfc | |
| | type | | |
| |
2 | codePrintHTML | string | 60: "owner": ARGUMENTS.owner,<br>
61: "message" : ARGUMENTS.message<br>
<b>62: }) /></b><br>
63: <cfcatch type="any"><br>
64: <!--- We will ignorehandle errors ---><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 60: "owner": ARGUMENTS.owner,
61: "message" : ARGUMENTS.message
62: }) />
63: <cfcatch type="any">
64: <!--- We will ignorehandle errors --->
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | logger_cfc$cf.udfCall(/OB085/Logger.cfc:62) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/objects/v085/Logger.cfc | |
| | type | | |
| |
3 | codePrintHTML | string | 261: <cfset LOCAL.argumentCollection = controlInputOuput(LOCAL.argumentCollection, LOCAL.result?: nullValue())><br>
262: <br>
<b>263: <cfset THIS.logger.logMessage("info", "#LOCAL.pluginName# - #ARGUMENTS.eventName# - synchronous", "CommonEvents" , "trigger")></b><br>
264: <br>
265: <cfcatch type="any"><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 261: <cfset LOCAL.argumentCollection = controlInputOuput(LOCAL.argumentCollection, LOCAL.result?: nullValue())>
263: <cfset THIS.logger.logMessage("info", "#LOCAL.pluginName# - #ARGUMENTS.eventName# - synchronous", "CommonEvents" , "trigger")>
265: <cfcatch type="any">
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | commonevents_cfc$cf.udfCall(/PLG085/CommonEvents.cfc:263) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/plugins/v085/CommonEvents.cfc | |
| | type | | |
| |
4 | codePrintHTML | string | 170: <!--- Plugin events ---><br>
171: <cfif isDefined("APPLICATION.commonEvents")><br>
<b>172: <cfset APPLICATION.commonEvents.trigger('renderProduct', {product:STD.product}) /></b><br>
173: </cfif><br>
174: <br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 170: <!--- Plugin events --->
171: <cfif isDefined("APPLICATION.commonEvents")>
172: <cfset APPLICATION.commonEvents.trigger('renderProduct', {product:STD.product}) />
173: </cfif>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | controllers.controllerproducts_cfm$cf.udfCall1(/CORE010/controllers/controllerProducts.cfm:172) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/core/v1/controllers/controllerProducts.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
5 | codePrintHTML | string | 1013: <cfset LOCAL.strRouteMethod = LOCAL.arrRouteMethod[2]><br>
1014: <cfinclude template="#LOCAL.strRouteFileName#.cfm" /><br>
<b>1015: <cfinvoke method="#LOCAL.strRouteMethod#" argumentcollection=""></b><br>
1016: <br>
1017: <cfreturn /><br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 1013: <cfset LOCAL.strRouteMethod = LOCAL.arrRouteMethod[2]>
1014: <cfinclude template="#LOCAL.strRouteFileName#.cfm" />
1015: <cfinvoke method="#LOCAL.strRouteMethod#" argumentcollection="">
1017: <cfreturn />
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | router_cfm$cf.udfCall(/CORE010/router.cfm:1015) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/core/v1/router.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
6 | codePrintHTML | string | 374: </cfif><br>
375: <br>
<b>376: <cfset routerRun(LOCAL.router) /></b><br>
377: </cffunction><br>
378: <br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 374: </cfif>
376: <cfset routerRun(LOCAL.router) />
377: </cffunction>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | router_cfm$cf.udfCall(/CORE010/router.cfm:376) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/core/v1/router.cfm | |
| | type | | |
| |
7 | codePrintHTML | string | 1325: <!--- Init render and Router ---><br>
1326: <cfset renderInit() /><br>
<b>1327: <cfset routerInit() /></b><br>
1328: </cffunction><br>
1329: <br>
| |
| | codePrintPlain | string | 1325: <!--- Init render and Router --->
1326: <cfset renderInit() />
1327: <cfset routerInit() />
1328: </cffunction>
| |
| | column | | | id | | | line | | | Raw_Trace | string | applicationinterface_cfc$cf.udfCall1(/AP085/applicationInterface.cfc:1327) | |
| | template | string | /local/common/application/v085/applicationInterface.cfc | |
| | type | | |
| |